On a summer day, the weather was very hot and everybody was thirsty.

A lion and a pig came at the same moment to all small well to drink. They were arguing which of them should drink first, and were soon fighting furiously.

When they rested from their fighting, they saw some vultures in the distance. The birds were waiting for one of them to die so they could eat. The vultures were looking and anticipating eagerly. They were more than five vultures ready to grab any victims from the fight.

Realizing the situation, the lion and pig soon decided to stop the fighting and made up. They didn't event continue the quarrel and arguments. "Look at those vultures. They can't wait to eat our bodies once we die. Let's just stop fighting,"said the lion to the pig.

"You're right. It's better for us to be friends than to be the food of those vultures. That will certainly happen if we get hurt or die" replied the pig.

30. Why did the animal stop the fighting and make up?
The realized the situation.
31. Who were fighting in the story?
the lion and the pig
32. From the story above, we can learn that
Fighting can't solve any problem.
30. Kedua binatang tersebut berhenti berselisih setelah mereka melihat ada burung nasar (pemakan bangkai) yang sedang mengganggu korban dari pertengkaran itu, untuk dijadikan santapan. Pernyataan ini diungkapkan pada paragraf 2.
31. Binatang yang sedang berselisih dalam cerita itu adalah singa dan babi. Pernyataan itu dapat ditemukan pada paragraf 1, "A lion and a pig came at the same moment ... They were arguing ... and were soon fighting furiously.
32. Dari cerita tersebut, dapat diambil suatu pelajaran bahwa perselisihan tidak dapat memecahkan masalah (fighting can't solve any problem).