Ladybirds or Ladybugs are insects from a family of coccinellidae.

"Ladybirds" derives from Britain and the insects are known as the lady beetle. The word Coccinellid is a Latin word means scarlet.

Most ladybugs have oval–dome shaped bodies with six shorts legs. They can have spots, stripes or no marking at all, according to their species. Seven spotted coccinellids are red or orange with three spots on each side and one in the middle, they have a black head white patches on each side.

Ladybirds are known as predators of aphids and scale insects. They are purely carnivorous but some species in the sub family Epilachninal are herbivores, and can be very destructive agricultural pests. They can damage the harvests 

37. What does the text tell us about?
38. Why do the grape farmers hate ladybirds?
The destroy the harvest
39. What is the main idea of first paragraph?
The ladybugs have a good looking from their scarlet color.
40. "... can be very destructive agricultural pest.'
The underlined word is closest in meaning to
37. Topik teks tersebut dapat ditemukan pada kalimat pertama paragraf pertama, yaitu ladybirds atau ladybug.
38. Petani tidak menyukai kepik karena binatang itu merusak hasil panen. Pernyataan ini terdapat pada paragraf 3 kalimat terakhir "They Damage the harvesst
39. Pokok pikiran paragraf 1 terdapat pda kalimat "Ladybirds or lady bugs are insects from a family of coccinellidae".
40. "Destructive" bersinonim dengan kata "damaging" (merusak).